Over Mather Pass, Stopping Just Shy of Lake Marjorie

Ice on the Trail After Evening Weather

Mather Pass

It's a cold morning, there's frost on my crocs, it's the first frost we've seen, bit ominous. It's 1500' up to Mather Pass, looks like a couple of steeper sections, particularly towards the top, likely some switchbacks.

It's icy on the way up, slushy stuff fell last night and has frozen on the trail overnight, bit tricky to walk on, we make good time to get there.

There's a great view out over the next valley, it seems quite flat and we can see the trail winding off into the distance, where there's a tree line.

Hikers look like ants below us. Down off the pass and into the valley, it's just gently sloping downhill and a very comfortable treadway, we make great time moving along quickly, passing the big group from UC Davis who have also stopped for lunch by a stream.

Down into the Upper Basin From Mather Pass
The creek is a rock hop to cross, there are 3 different options and a hiker comes up to it Northbound and tries to decide which path to take, it looks like the middle one will work best and she gets across OK.

The large group then arrives and some decide to take the left path, doesn't look too good and some others bail and head for the middle passage.

Campsite by Small Unnamed Lake
Our goal for the day is Lake Marjorie, we come upon a small but lovely lake, not sure if it's Lake Marjorie or not, check the app and find we're a bit short, no worries, Sarah comes by and decides to push on to the real Marjorie.

We set up camp and go for a walk, following the outflow up to the big lake, from the looks of it you can't camp too close so we're liking our decision, plus we have privacy, no one else camped by our little lake.


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