Zero in Mammoth Lakes

A zero day in Mammoth Lakes, Schatts bakery has an awesome brekkie for calorie deprived hikers, a huge croissant stuffed with eggs, bacon and cheese, must be about a million calories by the weight of it, it practically throws your back out just trying to lift the thing up. Their coffee doesn't look so great and we decide to get the best of both worlds, we'll eat our sandwiches at Black Velvet coffee and get one of the truly great cappuccinos, this is world class stuff here in Mammoth Lakes.

Back at the motel to organize our day, first stop the Post Office to mail back some stuff that we don't need, including crampons for ice that doesn't exist, these suckers most weigh a pound each and hikers see them on the outside of Elenas pack and stop to ask if we used them, the answer is invariably no.

Then to Vons supermarket for resupply, it's a long and thirsty job trying to make sure we have everything to get us to Vermilion Valley, so I'm ready for a beer, we're waiting for the town shuttle to carry us and 4 days resupply back to the motel when I spot a Brew Pub across the street, we saunter on over only to discover that it's closed, bummer, and now the shuttle has come and gone and we'll need to wait another 20 minutes so decide to walk down to the next stop.

There's a place called Rafters on the way and we go in to check it out, looks like they just opened for the day, the place is devoid of customers. It takes a minute for someone to discover us, the bartender is very friendly and brings us a couple of brews, no food yet, we notice that the US Open tennis is on the overhead TV and we watch the end of one of the women's matches, next up is Maria Sharapova playing someone else from Eastern Europe whose name escapes me, the bartender asks if we want volume and of course we do, so we sit to watch the game and decide to order some food, it's not bad and another beer helps it down.

The bartender is very friendly and has an accent of some kind, he's from Slovakia and we have a nice conversation about that, we were just in the Czech Republic back in June and he knows it too, in fact there are several Slovaks working there on temp visas, it's a good excuse to travel, make a few bucks and get to see some of the US during the work stay.
They're all young of course and very open and friendly.

Sharapova seems to struggle with the game, she's just back into it after being suspended for some time due to a drug violation, looks hesitant and a bit off but recovers eventually to start winning handily, it's a perfect mid-afternoon for us, just doing some normal thing and eating and drinking.
After the game we catch the shuttle back to the motel to rest and repack our food resupply, by then it's time for dinner so we choose the fancy place in town, Slocums, for steak and wine, it's expensive but the food is nothing to write home about, the steak doesn't have a lotta taste and is not that tender either.


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