Tough Day Over Forester Pass, Highest Pass on JMT

Stream Gurgling Down Off Forester Pass
Gonna be a tough day, another long climb making 2 days in a row, even though only 8.6 miles, so we're up and out relatively early.

It's 6.8 miles up to the pass and it starts off relatively easy and get's steeper as we go up.
We can see that the trail is getting ready to pop outa the trees and get steeper so stop for 15 minutes to calorie up with a car for 15 minutes before attempting. It's steeper and winds around and I'm already feeling tired, we pass a couple stopped to rest trailside, we'll see them again a few times.

The trail twists and turns around small peaks on the way up, then we're suddenly at the bottom of a large snow bank, we can see tracks leading up in the snow and also some off to the side, the treadway on the bank looks kinda tricky to me so off to the side and stay on a bit of slope, one foot on the dirt and one on the snow bank, makes it a little easier.
Majestic Views On the Way Up to Forester Pass

This damn thing is very steep and slow to climb, it seems to take 30 minutes to cover a couple hundred yards, as we get near the top we can see the trail below and it appears we're not even on it, a quick check of Guthook confirms, the trail appears to slip off the side of the bank near the bottom but you can't see that Southbound, bummer, we climbed the stupid thing for nothing.

There's a bunch of short trails leading back to the JMT, we pick a path that loses minimal altitude and we can now clearly see where the actual trail leaves the snowbank.

Now it's steep switchbacks leading up to the pass, we can see figures moving around up there, it's slow progress for tired bodies. The pass is very narrow and short, the trail going South seems to just lead off into open space, it really kicks up my anxiety and start wondering if we'll ever get down from here.

Selfie On Forester Pass
I'm super hungry on top, luckily it's not too cold or windy, no great places to sit and relax though, devour lunch anyway while a cheeky chipmunk scampers around looking for crumbs, he'll grab something in a flash and be gone so we keep a close watch on our food.

Steep, windy, and short switchbacks off the pass, feeling tired and sluggish after long climb and short lunch break, there's a creek crossing in a mile that gives the chance to revive and have another crack at lunch, shoes off and top too, bathe and eat and relax for a while and feel much better, the cold water works miracles.

The trail is much easier now and feeling better, we fly along 4.1 miles and hit the Shepherds Pass trail in an hour and a half. Now we gotta go uphill 200' and it stops me in my tracks, tired again, we consider staying at the Shepherds Pass junction but decide to push on, it's still early but it's a very tough uphill at the end of the day.

Narrow Trail Down Off Forester Pass
Tyndall Creek campsite also has a bear box, good for us 'cause all our food still won't fit in the canisters, it's not easy to find the perfect campsite here though, there's one set of campers already there and that seems the best, we wander around looking for the great spot but can't seem to decide, Elena goes off to more distant pastures to look, I'm too tired to follow.

We finally settle on something, it's close to the creek and there are a couple of small ponds out the back that may be good for swimming, it turns out the water is not too cold.

The couple camped nearby come over to chat, they're brother and sister who seem to get along very well, she's married but hubby doesn't like to be out in the wilderness so brother obliges and it makes a good team, they started at VVR. It's Fettuccine and Chicken for dinner and early bed for us, too high for a fire tonight.


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